Premier announces $300 million investment to sport and community infrastructure

The historic plan will benefit a range of projects throughout the State and create a pipeline of WA jobs, with local small businesses and contractors also set to benefit.
- $130 million package to upgrade sport facilities, including grassroots clubs and high performance facilities
- $170 million to upgrade local community facilities across the State
- Infrastructure upgrades to support communities and create a pipeline of WA jobs
- Major investment part of the McGowan Government's $5.5 billion WA Recovery Plan
- Full list of upgrades available at
The $130 million sports facilities package includes $30 million towards the major redevelopment of the iconic WACA Ground, including a community aquatic centre.
The State Government funding matches the Federal Government's contribution, and is contingent on the City of Perth providing a funding contribution towards the community project.
The package will help to make sporting venues across the State more sustainable, with a focus on renewable technology. Other significant upgrades include:
- $20 million to kickstart a recreation precinct at Keirnan Park in Mundijong;
- $10 million towards a new community swimming pool facility at Alkimos;
- $10 million to the Baldivis Indoor Recreation Centre;
- $2.67 million for the Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex to assist with the development of community football facilities;
- $1.5 million allocated to upgrade existing halogen lights at HBF Arena (Joondalup) and HBF Stadium to LED lighting;
- $1 million for solar panels to the roof of HBF Stadium to reduce energy consumption and improve environmental performance;
- $2 million for a high-performance dry land centre for Diving WA at HBF Stadium;
- $350,000 for permanent shade installed at outdoor pools at HBF Stadium and leisure spaces at HBF Arena, providing sun protection for patrons;
- $5 million for the Hands Oval rebuild in Bunbury;
- $10 million towards the Aqua Jetty Stage 2 project in Warnbro to provide increased program and services opportunities for people of all ages and abilities;
- $6 million to fund the Donnybrook and Districts Sporting and Recreation Precinct; and
- $5 million for improvements to Ray Owen Reserve in Lesmurdie.
The package also includes the $16.25 million investment towards the State Football Centre in Queens Park, jointly funded with the Commonwealth Government.
The $170 million community infrastructure package will deliver upgrades to a wide range of important local facilities across the State. It includes:
- $1.3 million for planning for the Tantabiddi Boat Ramp redevelopment in Exmouth;
- $1.86 million for a new Ellenbrook Youth Centre;
- $2 million to deliver water tanks for volunteer bush fire brigades;
- $9.69 million to replace Woodman Point Jetty;
- $6 million to restore the Ascot Kilns site in accordance with State heritage registration;
- $500,000 towards cliff face restoration works at Arthur Head in Fremantle;
- $1.6 million for preservation work at the World Heritage-listed Fremantle Prison;
- $1.3 million for conservation works on eight houses in the Parry Street Precinct;
- $600,000 to expand the Warradale Community Centre in Landsdale;
- $3 million for a new youth centre in the Madeley-Darch area;
- $400,000 upgrades and maintenance to the heritage-listed Beagle Bay Church;
- $20 million to construct a 70-bed Aboriginal Short Stay Accommodation facility in Kununurra, providing temporary accommodation for Aboriginal people visiting;
- $3.2 million for a water playground at the Kununurra Leisure Centre;
- $4.9 million for revitalisation of the Ern Halliday Recreation Camp;
- $9.7 million for irrigation of public open space in Broome; and
- $8 million for additional youth and community infrastructure.
The package includes funding for essential infrastructure and services in Western Australia's remote Aboriginal communities, including:
- $12.9 million towards the response to 'Closing the Gap' in WA's remote Aboriginal communities as a result of the withdrawal of Commonwealth funding; and
- $38.9 million for remote communities and town-based communities' water and wastewater infrastructure upgrades.
For the full list of projects, visit
Comments attributed to Premier Mark McGowan:
"These sport and community infrastructure projects are part of our WA Recovery Plan which will help drive WA's economic and social recovery from the pandemic across the whole State.
"Sport and community facilities are often the lifeblood of local communities. These upgrades will help to reconnect communities, increase participation for local sporting organisations and create jobs for local workers.
"The WA Recovery Plan will deliver a pipeline of jobs for Western Australians and ensure the State will rebound stronger than ever.
"It will create short and long term jobs in construction, as well as other sectors such as tourism, training, education and renewable energy."
Comments attributed to Sport and Recreation Minister Mick Murray:
"Sport and recreation is part of who we are as Western Australians.
"This investment by the McGowan Government builds on recent sporting infrastructure announcements such as the State Football Centre in Queens Park that will give our teams and juniors the greatest chance of success."
The historic plan will benefit a range of projects throughout the State and create a pipeline of WA jobs, with local small businesses and contractors also set to benefit.
- $130 million package to upgrade sport facilities, including grassroots clubs and high performance facilities
- $170 million to upgrade local community facilities across the State
- Infrastructure upgrades to support communities and create a pipeline of WA jobs
- Major investment part of the McGowan Government's $5.5 billion WA Recovery Plan
- Full list of upgrades available at
The $130 million sports facilities package includes $30 million towards the major redevelopment of the iconic WACA Ground, including a community aquatic centre.
The State Government funding matches the Federal Government's contribution, and is contingent on the City of Perth providing a funding contribution towards the community project.
The package will help to make sporting venues across the State more sustainable, with a focus on renewable technology. Other significant upgrades include:
- $20 million to kickstart a recreation precinct at Keirnan Park in Mundijong;
- $10 million towards a new community swimming pool facility at Alkimos;
- $10 million to the Baldivis Indoor Recreation Centre;
- $2.67 million for the Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex to assist with the development of community football facilities;
- $1.5 million allocated to upgrade existing halogen lights at HBF Arena (Joondalup) and HBF Stadium to LED lighting;
- $1 million for solar panels to the roof of HBF Stadium to reduce energy consumption and improve environmental performance;
- $2 million for a high-performance dry land centre for Diving WA at HBF Stadium;
- $350,000 for permanent shade installed at outdoor pools at HBF Stadium and leisure spaces at HBF Arena, providing sun protection for patrons;
- $5 million for the Hands Oval rebuild in Bunbury;
- $10 million towards the Aqua Jetty Stage 2 project in Warnbro to provide increased program and services opportunities for people of all ages and abilities;
- $6 million to fund the Donnybrook and Districts Sporting and Recreation Precinct; and
- $5 million for improvements to Ray Owen Reserve in Lesmurdie.
The package also includes the $16.25 million investment towards the State Football Centre in Queens Park, jointly funded with the Commonwealth Government.
The $170 million community infrastructure package will deliver upgrades to a wide range of important local facilities across the State. It includes:
- $1.3 million for planning for the Tantabiddi Boat Ramp redevelopment in Exmouth;
- $1.86 million for a new Ellenbrook Youth Centre;
- $2 million to deliver water tanks for volunteer bush fire brigades;
- $9.69 million to replace Woodman Point Jetty;
- $6 million to restore the Ascot Kilns site in accordance with State heritage registration;
- $500,000 towards cliff face restoration works at Arthur Head in Fremantle;
- $1.6 million for preservation work at the World Heritage-listed Fremantle Prison;
- $1.3 million for conservation works on eight houses in the Parry Street Precinct;
- $600,000 to expand the Warradale Community Centre in Landsdale;
- $3 million for a new youth centre in the Madeley-Darch area;
- $400,000 upgrades and maintenance to the heritage-listed Beagle Bay Church;
- $20 million to construct a 70-bed Aboriginal Short Stay Accommodation facility in Kununurra, providing temporary accommodation for Aboriginal people visiting;
- $3.2 million for a water playground at the Kununurra Leisure Centre;
- $4.9 million for revitalisation of the Ern Halliday Recreation Camp;
- $9.7 million for irrigation of public open space in Broome; and
- $8 million for additional youth and community infrastructure.
The package includes funding for essential infrastructure and services in Western Australia's remote Aboriginal communities, including:
- $12.9 million towards the response to 'Closing the Gap' in WA's remote Aboriginal communities as a result of the withdrawal of Commonwealth funding; and
- $38.9 million for remote communities and town-based communities' water and wastewater infrastructure upgrades.
For the full list of projects, visit
Comments attributed to Premier Mark McGowan:
"These sport and community infrastructure projects are part of our WA Recovery Plan which will help drive WA's economic and social recovery from the pandemic across the whole State.
"Sport and community facilities are often the lifeblood of local communities. These upgrades will help to reconnect communities, increase participation for local sporting organisations and create jobs for local workers.
"The WA Recovery Plan will deliver a pipeline of jobs for Western Australians and ensure the State will rebound stronger than ever.
"It will create short and long term jobs in construction, as well as other sectors such as tourism, training, education and renewable energy."
Comments attributed to Sport and Recreation Minister Mick Murray:
"Sport and recreation is part of who we are as Western Australians.
"This investment by the McGowan Government builds on recent sporting infrastructure announcements such as the State Football Centre in Queens Park that will give our teams and juniors the greatest chance of success."